Teachmeet Bett 2022 – Afternoon session
Here’s the line-up of speakers presenting at the Bett Teachmeet (Afternoon session), hosted by Arjana and Bart.
Katerina Glezou
Robotics as a Powerful Vehicle Toward Computational Thinking and Creativity
Dr. Katerina Glezou is a Scientix Ambassador, EU CodeWeek Leading Teacher, Researcher, Computer Science/Robotics/ICT/Physics Teacher in the Arsakeia Schools Psychikou in Athens, Greece, and a Teacher Trainer for more than 20 years. She holds a BSc in Physics, a MSc in Meteorology-Environmental Physics, a MEd in Teaching and Assessment, and a PhD in Didactics of Informatics, from the University of Athens (UoA).
From 1999 to 2001, she worked as a Research Fellow in the Computer Technology Institute (CTI) in Athens. Since 2004, she has been lecturing Educational Technology in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs as a Research Fellow at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of UoA. In 2003, she created her first educational site “Play, investigate and learn” (http://users.sch.gr/glezou/), where she published educational materials (e.g. scenarios, lesson plans, worksheets, microworlds, presentations). In 2008, she created (and still supports) the blog “Play, investigate and learn” (https://blogs.sch.gr/glezou/) which has been included in Code Week Resources (https://codeweek.eu/resources/teach). In 2009, she created (and still supports) the Educational Online Social Network “Logo in Education: a community of practice and learning” (http://logogreekworld.ning.com/). From 2017 to 2019, she served as a Member of the eTwinning Hellenic National Support Service Pedagogical Team. Since 1999, she has participated in a lot of conferences, educational events, workshops, projects as a presenter and member of scientific/organising committees and as a teacher trainer and teacher trainer trainer in many teacher training projects. She has been active Scratcher and Scratch trainer for more than 12 years https://scratch.mit.edu/users/kglezou/ and she is an active eTwinner awarded.
Her research lies in the area of constructionist learning environments, which support exploratory and collaborative learning focusing on the development of 4Cs, Computational Thinking and Sustainability. Her research interests include Educational Technology, Didactics of Informatics, Didactics of Science, Environmental Physics, E-Learning, Blended Learning and Teacher Training.
José Miguel Sousa
Digital Development of Schools
José Miguel Sousa is the Director of the EduFor Training Center in Portugal.
Born in Madeira Island, graduated in Mathematics in the educational field from the University of Coimbra, Master in Mathematics Foundations and Applications, with a Specialization in School Administration and Educational Administration.
Director of the Schools Association Training Center since 1995, and currently Director of the EduFor Training Center, based in Mangualde. Accredited teacher trainer in the areas of Mathematics, Educational Technologies and Design and Organization of Educational Projects.
Coordinator of the “EduFor Innov@tive Classroom Lab”, the first Future Classroom Lab in the center and north of Portugal, inaugurated in May 2016, at the EduFor headquarters in Mangualde.
Responsible for the design and coordination of projects in the area of educational technologies and Erasmus+, with emphasis on “Inov@r com QI” and “Managing for @ School of Success”. Speaker at national and international events, with emphasis on: “Technology and Pedagogy. What to Teach? How to Teach?”, in the Portuguese Parliament; “Tablets in the Classroom: a possible path”, in the IV edition of the New Casino Conferences, on Madeira Island, and “Headteachers as Promoters of Curriculum Innovation”, at the Education Show, in the United Kingdom.
Petra Bohackova
Czech Republic
Acquiring student competences when creating a geolocation game
Petra currently teaches physics and English at the Dr. E. Beneš Primary School in Prague, Čakovice and works there as a Head of IT department.
She is a member of GEG Teach with Us, a Leadi Future Classroom Ambassador of European schoolnet, an Apple Professional Development Trainer since December 2014 and an Apple Distinguished Educator since 2015.
Sampo Forsström & Mikko Horila
Getting Rid of Obstacles for Learning - Sensors in the Learning Spaces
Sampo Forsström is the Lead Ambassador from the Finnish Future Classroom Lab. Sampo works as a teacher educator at the University of Eastern Finland. He is also the Project Manager for the network of the Finnish Teacher Training Schools. For the past five years Sampo has been more involved in project management and development work to enhance learning in many forms. His passion is the development of learning spaces and the promotion of the use of educational technology as a part of the learning process.
Mikko Horila is a Future Classroom Ambassador from Tampere, Finland. He works as a teacher educator and has been working in different ICT development projects for more than 20 years. Mikko is one of five ambassadors who started FCLab operations in Finland in 2018 and works at the country’s first FCLab, KAKS10.
Jeroen De Keyser
Spice up your project
Jeroen De Keyser is the coordinator of the eTwinning National Support Organisation in Flanders (Belgium). As an experienced teacher and eTwinning ambassador he built up knowledge on the added value of international projects in class. Jeroen has expertise in face-to-face and online trainings and webinars on project work and created an online collection of tools that can be implemented in the various stages of projects ().
Elena Vercher Ribis
Genius Hour! Creativity, collaboration and design thinking in primary education
Elena Vercher is a teacher based in Spain. She is currently teaching at Escola Sant Jordi, a primary school near Barcelona. She has also been teaching in the Primary Education Degree at the “Rovira i Virgili” University for two years. She is a Google Certified Trainer and Innovator, a micro:bit Champion and has been recently awarded with the Mobile Learning Award by mSchools at the Barcelona Mobile World Congress. Elena has a degree in Pre-primary, Primary, English and Music Education, and a Masters’ in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
Mags Amond
Teachmeet Echoes
Mags Amond is a retired second level teacher who is now a part time PhD researcher at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. She is currently in the final stages of writing the dissertation, and will share some insights from TeachMeet participants.