Teachmeet Bett 2023 – Part 1 session

Here you find the line-up of speakers presenting at the Bett Teachmeet (Part 1 – International Focus session), hosted by Arjana and Bart.




Daisy De Gioannini


Teaching digital citizenship through international collaborative projects

Daisy De Gioannini is a foreign language teacher working in a secondary school in Northern Italy – Liceo “Giolitti Gandino” in Bra, near Turin. She is an awarded Erasmus+ Etwinning ambassador, ICT coordinator of her school, teacher trainer focused  on innovative learning strategies  and mindset. She is a passionate lifelong learner, interested in enhancing student engagement  with digital tools.

Lidija Vidmar


Make READING great again!

Lidija Vidmar is a German Language Teacher and an ICT enthusiast at Fran Albreht Primary School in Kamnik, Slovenia. She likes cats and loves reading and travelling.

Lidija is a MIE Expert.

Birgy Lorenz


Building a hacker mindset


Birgy Lorenz PhD is an experienced trainer in cybersecurity-related awareness (common people cyber hygiene aka security behavior, children/teachers/parents’ skills on digital safety). She leads many awareness projects where I work with teachers and cybersecurity young talents (aka. hackers). She has developed CyberSecurity materials for secondary school, an exercise portal for beginner cybersecurity young talents and a DigitalSafeSchool evaluation model in Estonia. Currently, she works at Pelgulinna Highschool as a teacher and IT manager and at Tallinn University of Technology as a senior researcher.

Her most famous project CyberOlympic (competitions, training camps) received acknowledgment from Informatic Europe in 2018, Estonian Science Communication Award from Estonian Research Council in 2022. She has been a teacher of the year in the EU in 2009, and in Estonia in 2010 and 2017.

She also hosts many beginner-level cybersecurity competitions called Capture The Flag for basic and high school students and their teachers and an annual Cybersecurity conference for the Education sector with the Network of Estonian Teachers of Informatics and Computer Science where she is a founder and member of the board. She has also developed many different educational games for promoting ICT and Cyber education for students, especially female students. One of the games CyberSec Stories has been distributed in 40 different countries. 

Lidija Kozina


Virtual museums as a tool for learning

Lidija Kozina is the principal of High school Ivanec in Croatia. 

She graduated at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, after which she also completed postgraduate study of Management, which had an impact on the selection of work as a school principal. As an education expert, she believes that education is of great importance for the quality of work, so she has been working continuously on her professional development. Recently, through another postgraduate study in Zadar she specialized in “Leading and managing of Educational Institutions”. She was actively involved in the project of implementation of Curriculum Reform in Croatia and has taken part in a leadership training programme with a focus on leadership practices that support curriculum reform. Through transferring knowledge to other principals in Croatia and developing a concept paper on school leadership, she has passed the validation process and acquired the status principal – senior specialist of the British Council for professional development. 

Over the years, besides working as a school principal, she had the opportunity to work in the classroom as a teacher of economics, but also performing various school tasks like teaching ECDL courses, coordinating students’ national exams and writing and implementing European Union funded projects, all very successfully. As a principal, she was involved in many EU projects, which are an important field of her interest because by implementing those projects, her school had the opportunity to introduce changes and innovations in teaching and learning, to develop new innovative optional subjects for students, to modernize curriculum, to learn and teach through new technologies, to offer a new concept of modern teaching, but also to renew the whole school building. She is highly motivated for acquiring the European funds because they are ensuring better working conditions for the teachers and providing better education for the students.

Norbertas Airošius


Collaborative Shared Lesson Design: Empowering Teachers, Engaging Students, and Transforming Education

Norbertas Airošius, a school principal and educational leadership consultant from Lithuania, boasts over 15 years of experience in ICT teaching in schools. He has participated in numerous ERASMUS+ and EUN projects and has been instrumental in promoting the use of technology in education. As a consultant, Norbertas assists schools and edtech companies in integrating information technology, learning analytics, and AI into their curricula. One of his notable contributions is the creation of a shared lesson format, which allows multiple teachers to collaborate and achieve superior outcomes.

Angela Newton & Peter Gravell

United Kingdom

AI: exploring the brave new world and its impact on education

Angela Newton was a Chemistry teacher and middle leader for 8 years, working in a range of secondary school contexts in London. She is now an education policy professional, specialising in social mobility, and vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young people. She co-founded realfastreports.com with Peter.

Peter Gravell was a physics teacher for 12 years. He’s a Google Certified Innovator and is passionate about EdTech and making teachers’ lives easier. He is currently using AI to help teachers write better reports in less time with realfastreports.com



Suzana Delić


First steps in robotics

Suzana Delić, a teacher-counselor, has a Master’s Degree in Primary Education and Informatics. She works at Primary School Horvati where she also represents Erasmus+ projects as a project coordinator. Suzana is an eTwinning Ambassador as well as the ambassador of the “This is our time” project and one of the founders of the Global VC Education Group. She has been using videoconferencing as a learning method for 15 years. She is a workshop leader and leader of Learning events. Suzana is a Croatian Language textbook author as well as creator of the digital content for the Croatian Language and Mathematics.

Nina Jelen


Long Live the Fish

Nina Jelen is a classroom teacher who loves her children and magic in the classroom.
She is the winner of the highest award in Slovenia in the field of education (2019),  The winner of the competition Better internet for kids in the teacher category organized by European Commission (2018), and the winner of the Global Teacher Prize for Slovenia (2019). She has published two books for children, and writes articles in the online newspaper Časoris in which she advises children.
She also regularly cooperates with the Ministry of Education and the Institute of Education, often lectures to teachers and students, and shares her innovative ideas on her website ninarije.si.